UnityBT is a collaborative downloading app which helps you to download media files (or any other file) quickly with the help of your friends or co-located peers with the same app. UnityBT speeds up downloads as multiple devices download parts of the file separately via their own mobile network and also is data friendly. The devices then collaborate amongst themselves to reconstruct the whole file back and in the end, each collaborating device receives the entire file. It uses Bluetooth to enable local communication amongst the devices while the devices download their individual parts using their own data connection (2G/3G).
*Please note that this app needs a working mobile data connection on each of the collaborating devices.*
For more information : http://muc.iiitd.edu.in/unity/
1. Please watch the video to see how UnityBT works since this is really important.
2. We would recommend you to have a look at the step by step usage for the app here: http://muc.iiitd.edu.in/unity/#stepbystepbt